The Bread the Devil Knead by Lisa Allen-Agostini

The Bread the Devil Knead
Lisa Allen-Agostini

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Published: 2021

Shortlisted for the 2022 Women's Prize for Fiction

Alethea Lopez is about to turn 40. Fashionable, feisty and fiercely independent, she manages a downtown boutique, but behind closed doors she’s covering up bruises from her abusive partner and seeking solace in an affair with her boss. When she witnesses a woman murdered by a jealous lover, the reality of her own future comes a little too close to home.

Bringing us her truth in an arresting, unsparing Trinidadian voice, Alethea unravels memories repressed since childhood and begins to understand the person she has become.

Her next step is to decide the woman she wants to be.


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