Claire Kilroy

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Published: 2007

Eva Tyne, an Irish violinist living and working in New York, collapses after her solo debut and is rushed to hospital. Still dazed after the incident, she finds herself embarked on a chaotic and dangerous odyssey. Leaving her steady partner, she quickly falls in love with a mysterious man, and shortly thereafter comes across a rare violin of dubious provenance, for which she must raise the required payment in cash in less than a week. But, haunted by the ghost of her father, racked with jealousy, and unsure whom she can trust around her, Eva soon finds herself playing a desperate psychological game as her desires threaten to destroy her.

Narratated in Eva’s unforgettable voice – at once passionate and unreliable – Tenderwire is a novel of immense pace and skill, a guessing game and a whodunnit that surprises at every turn.


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