Season 5 is HERE and we’re back with a bang as brand-new host Vick Hope sits down with the irrepressible Gabby Logan. Sports broadcaster extraordinaire, author, journalist, podcaster and former gymnast, Gabby paved the way for women in a male-dominated industry and was recently awarded an MBE for services to sports broadcasting and the promotion of women in sport.
The five books Gabby has chosen act as anchors to defining moments in her life, talismans that remind her to seize the day, because life is all about ‘living and feeling and being’ – even in the tougher parts. Listen to the episode for Gabby and Vick’s inspiring conversation in full or scroll on for a peek at Gabby’s book choices.

‘I just remember thinking that when I have a 16-year-old daughter I want her to read this book, because I wish I’d read a book like this at that age … She’s a searingly honest writer and she shares so much of herself.’

‘ I started writing diaries because of Adrian … There were so many things I could relate to that he was going through. It was the first time I’d read anything that was so humorous and so alive.’

‘I had a Chinese teacher at school, who was from Chinatown [Vancouver]. She used to give me books of Chinese poetry … Those communities become rich with the storytelling of the previous generations, of how they got there, and the struggles they’ve gone through. And that’s what this book is all about.’

‘Sometimes you’re just on the treadmill of life and you don’t hear the things going on around you … But feeling and being and living is what we’re here for. And the reminder that those things are so important is what this book gives me.’

‘Ursula was always somebody I was rooting for and championing, even if she made decisions that I perhaps wouldn’t have made myself. There was a consciousness to living and to being alive.’