Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination
Helen Fielding


Published: 2009

Enter Olivia Joules: fearless, dazzling, independent beauty-journalist turned master-spy – a new heroine for the twenty-first century. In Miami for a face-cream launch, she spots Pierre Ferramo across a room. Dangerously charismatic and undeniably gorgeous, with impeccable taste, unimaginable wealth and exotic international homes, he seems almost too good to be true. But what if Ferramo is actually a major terrorist bent on destruction, hiding behind a smokescreen of fine wines, yachts and actresses slash models? Or is it all just a product of Olivia’s overactive imagination?

From the white heat of Miami to the implants of LA, the glittering waters of the Caribbean to the deserts of Arabia, Olivia Joules pits herself against the forces of terror armed with a hatpin, razor-sharp wits and a very special underwired bra. Helen Fielding has written a contemporary and utterly unputdownable thriller de luxe.


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