Green Darkness
Anya Seton

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Published: 2007

England, 1552. Protestant king Edward VI has been on the throne for five years. Almost two decades after Henry VIII’s brutal reformation of the monasteries, Catholics in England still live in fear.

When 13-year-old Celia da Bohun first meets Stephen Marsdon, a young Catholic priest, she falls hopelessly in love. Against his will, Stephen returns her affection. As the years pass, their childish adoration deepens into a passionate love that will not be extinguished – not even by Celia’s violent death.

Centuries later, history seems poised to repeat itself. Celia, the young, rich wife of Richard Marsden, finds her marriage and happiness threatened by the tragedies of the past. Celia can only be saved by piercing the green darkness of the past and revealing its mysterious truth.


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