Completing this form is voluntary, but the information you provide is invaluable for us.

It means that we can work towards further diversifying our team and board, which is critical in ensuring our continued success as a registered charity (charity number 1181253). We collect monitoring data to help us develop programmes that meaningfully impact our beneficiaries and help us fulfil our charitable mission.

If you have any comments or questions on the questionnaire, then please let us know by emailing

All responses and answers are completely anonymous and all information submitted is kept entirely separate from your personal information. It will be kept confidential and is not sent to the recruiting panel; it plays no part in the shortlisting process.

Thank you in advance for your time in completing this survey.

Data protection
Information submitted is handled in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The anonymised data is aggregated into a summary report. The data will only be used for general statistical and monitoring purposes. It is not analysed in any other way and cannot be traced back to you by the Women’s Prize Trust team or board, or used for any other purpose.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Equal Opportunities form. Please email if you have any questions, or visit for more information about our work.